How to purchase…

Universal Data Relay is available only through our approved reseller network. We are always on the look out for competent integrators to become exclusive resellers. If you wish to become a reseller, you can apply here. If you are an integration company, or an end-user, you can search for a reseller here.

More than POS…

Universal Data Relay provides the infrastructure to retrieve, examine, manipulate, then move information from different sources to one or many destinations. What exactly does this mean? Here are a few case studies to demonstrate some of the amazing ways UDR can automate data capture.

Integrator Community

Integrators often need systems to share data - systems never designed to do so! Universal Data Relay is a tool that enables this. UDR allows integrators to write their own scripts and libraries targeting specific systems. We encourage sharing or even selling your own scripts and libraries! Join the community and Register Today!